1. Be a registered company
2. Sell food products produced outside of Switzerland
3. Provide a registration document from the Commercial Register
4. Provide the following information: company name, address, email, mobile phone number with WhatsApp, and bank account
5. Provide a logo
6. Define the preparation time between receiving the order and shipment
7. Have at least 20 products to list. Petit Creux reserves the rigtht to not to list certain products, cases will be analyzed individually.
8. Sign and return the ethical charter:
– a. Confirm in writing that the products have a shelf life of at least 30 days from the shipping date
– b. Confirm acceptance of returns in case of complaints (damaged product, expired product, etc.)
– c. Understand that payment will only be made after providing a tracking code for the shipped package
How to publish products:
9. Once your registration is validated, you will receive a WhatsApp message to send your products.
10. The procedure is as follows: take a photo of the product and send it to the provided WhatsApp contact in the following format:
Company Name | Product Name | Weight | Origin
11. Once the first products are validated, you will receive access to your personal Google Sheet with the listed products, where you can modify prices, promotional prices, and quantities.
12. When a purchase is made in your store, you will receive an email order confirmation with the price of the product you listed in the Google Sheet and the shipping fees (Swiss Post). If you wish to use another delivery option, please contact Petit Creux.
13. When you ship the order, please provide the tracking number via WhatsApp. Payment will be made after receipt of the tracking number.
Product actualization
14. Actualization of products is made 1 time each 24 hours
Fees and Commission
15. Registration and selling on Petit Creux costs NOTHING. You will receive the price you listed for your product plus the shipping fees (Swiss Post Economy).
16. The commission is added to your price or reduced price and will only be deducted when the purchase has been made.